Getting ready for the rafting trip step by step
- Canoe or raft
Are you not sure whether to choose raft or canoe? Floating raft is definitely better option for those, who are first time on the river. It is easier to manipulate and safer due to its higher stability, almost unsinkable, let us say J We have rafts of different snes – 2-3 persons raft, 3-7 persons raft or 9-11 persons raft.
If you are more andventurous, you can try the classic canoe. It is less stable, so you need to be fully concetrated all the time. But the ride will be faster and romantic – as the canoe is usually for 2-3 people.

- Trip planning
The route should be planned according to your physical condition, weather forecast and actual water level. The overview of all the routes you can find in „one day trip“ section. If you are not sure which route to pick, do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help.
- What to take with you
We will give you a waterproof barel or bag, so you can pack all neccesities. You should definitely take:
- your medicine, first aid kit, inssurance
- head cover, sun glasses, sun team
- enough drinking water, snack
- spare clothes
- no sandals – please have full shoes
- pocket money
If you go for multipleday trip, you should pack:
- tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag
- raincoat
- extra clothes and shoes for the evening and night in a camp
- personal hygiene
- mobile phones, cameras, electonic cigarets can be charged in most of the camps and bistros for free or few bugs (differes place to place)
Mobile phones and cameras are suggested to be placed in the waterproof barels for the entire time of your trip. If you need to have them with you on the boat – we suggest to purchase a small water proof pouch to hang on your neck.
- Rented equipment
As mentioned before, we will be rented a waterproof barel – always check, that the lid is closed properly.
All the crew members will be equipped with a paddle. It is mandatory for all the crew members to wear a life jacket during entire rafting trip.
- Safety first
Number one rule is to wear the life jackt all the time when on the boat! Here are some other tip how to make your trip safer:
- When petting on the boat, have the boat botám fully on the water, not one side in the air
- If you are not sure, how to go down the weir (waterfall) – get of the boat and have a look first. If you are still not sure, on each of them, you can take the boat out of the water, and carry it around and place it in the river after the weir
- Paddle while going down the weir (waterfall)!
- Do not hold the boat on its outer side while getting close to the river bank or other boat
- Tie your staff to the boat with a rope to protect them from flowing away
- If you are getting out of the boat always tie it carefully on the river bank, preferably in a shade. When you are getting out of the boat – go one by one.
- Be carefull, do not overestimate yourself
- Kids and dogs
It is totally up to your decision wheather to take your kids or pets with you. Age is no limit, if you want to enjoy the trip with your kids, of course we will equip them with the life jackets as well.
Dogs are welcome ase well, just please remember, that some camping can be bussier in the evenings. Keep that in mind, when choosing the campings.